Our blog

See below our news articles or read our blog about the challenges facing providers and payers when it comes to integrating technology in their claims process.

Managing healthcare billing as a healthcare consultant: To outsource or insource?

Choosing whether to outsource your billing or do it yourself can be difficult. In the blog, we outline the pros and cons of each option and outline how we're helping those who choose to do it in-house to take greater control over their billing.

Martin Rochford
March 13, 2024

Importance of momentum and reflection in the business

It’s been three years since I founded MedoSync with my co-founder, Seamus...

Martin Rochford
May 19, 2023

AI in Healthcare: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

AI has the potential to dramatically raise the standard and accessibility of healthcare, but...

Martin Rochford
April 24, 2023

Systems that scale

In technology, a challenge exists as companies start to scale up their software.

Martin Rochford
April 5, 2023

Automation in Healthcare

The benefits of automation are well-documented, but...

Martin Rochford
March 23, 2023

Tech Healthcare Conference - cyber session

Martin Rochford
March 9, 2023

Three Trends in Healthcare Operations

Martin Rochford
February 27, 2023

The Winter Hospital Crisis and Data

Martin Rochford
January 16, 2023

Lehren aus Deutschland: Learnings from Germany

Martin Rochford
December 16, 2022

Using technology to improve staff recruitment and retention

Martin Rochford
November 28, 2022

How accurate data can transform a health insurers business

Martin Rochford
October 24, 2022

How creating a “Digital Front Door” can help hospitals engage with their patients

Martin Rochford
September 26, 2022

Emphasising communication in healthcare ICT (information communication technology)

Martin Rochford
September 6, 2022

Digitalization Of The Healthcare Industry

Martin Rochford
August 10, 2022

Getting the inputs right in hospital billing

Martin Rochford
August 4, 2022

MedoSync's three-year business lessons

Martin Rochford
July 14, 2022

Challenges of Medical Billing

Martin Rochford
June 23, 2022

How Blockchain will Transform Healthcare

Martin Rochford
February 16, 2022

Ophthalmologists, Are You Keeping an Eye on Your Billing?

This blog is dedicated to helping private practice ophthalmologists optimize their billing processes. Discover how overspending on billing agencies could be impacting your clinic's bottom line and explore MedoSync software solutions designed to streamline billing operations. Take control of your clinic's finances and focus on providing excellent patient care. Visit our blog to learn more and ensure a healthier financial future for your practice.

Ajla Cengic